How to Use Crystals in Therapy with Teresa Cox Mayle

Jan 14, 2022

How can crystals be used in therapy to deepen a client’s connection with their subconscious mind? Where do you start in becoming acquainted with crystals? How do you cleanse them after sessions?


Teresa has been a counselor for nearly 30 years and qualified as an LCMHC in 2014. Her professional experience includes working in crisis intervention, with individuals with disabilities as a Student Support Services counselor, and as a community college Director of Counseling Services. Teresa has experience treating young adults and adults for a wide variety of life challenges such as chronic medical conditions, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, dissociation disorders, trauma, TBI, career changes, self-discovery/identity crisis, military retirement, and relationship issues.

Since she was a teenager, Teresa has been fascinated by alternative spirituality and belief systems. She has read Tarot cards intuitively for most of her life, and she is a reiki master, hypnotherapist (trauma-focused), EMDR, and EMDR Flash practitioner.

Connect with Teresa on LinkedIn and Psychology Today. Book a consultation with her at Thrivemind Counseling and Wellness, LLC.


  • Using crystals in session
  • Cleaning crystal energy
  • Crystal grids
  • Getting started

Using crystals in session

If clients are open to using crystals in session, they can consider holding selenite crystals in their hands.

Selenite [comes from] Selena [who] was the Goddess of the moon and ancient traditions and that’s where it gets its name … it’s connected to the moon and the [sub]conscious mind. (Teresa Cox Mayle)

Therapy works in unison with the subconscious mind and that is where the most healing can happen.

Even though therapeutic experiences can be had in the conscious mind, often deeper and more revealing insights are had when someone is in sync with their subconscious. Using selenite crystals in session can be a way to encourage that.

Cleaning crystal energy

Crystals have been said to carry the energy of those who have held or handled them. You can cleanse your crystals in various ways, such as:

  • burying them in the earth for a few weeks or months
  • moon bathe them during a full moon by leaving them on a windowsill at night
  • leave them in the sun during the day
  • soak them in rock salt

It’s always important to set an intention that you want the stone to rise to its highest purpose and ability. If you know reiki or some type of energy technique, [you can] infuse it with that. (Teresa Cox Mayle)

Crystal grids

Crystal grids are based on sacred geometry.

The star of David is well-known as an example of sacred geometry, and it can be replicated with crystals into a grid.

Getting started

Quartz crystals are a good place to start. Hold it up to the light and see if you can find a rainbow or pyramids and different shapes.

They just make you happy when you hold them up to the light. You don’t have to believe they’ve got any mysterious magical powers, just for the joy of a sparkling stone. (Teresa Cox Mayle)

Amethyst and rose quartz crystals are also good introductions to become acquainted with if you are wanting to get to know crystals.

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Connect with Teresa on LinkedIn and Psychology Today.

Book a consultation with her at Thrivemind Counseling and Wellness, LLC.

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Welcome to today's episode of a Holistic Counseling Podcast. I'm your host, Chris McDonald. How are you doing today, listeners? I hope you're finding some joy in your day. If you are a new listener to this podcast, welcome. As a listener, you have access to my free nine-part email course, Becoming A Holistic Counselor. In this course, you'll explore different holistic strategies, how to develop your skills as a holistic counselor and how to attract your ideal holistic clients. Go to, scroll down and enter your name and email address today.

and she's been an LCMHC since:


Hi, thank you, Chris.


So glad you could be here today. So can you share with my listeners a little bit more about yourself and your work?


Sure. I have always wanted to be a hypnotherapist, but I have this belief that the universe opens a door when it's time to make a change.


Isn't that the truth?


Yes. So I got my license, let's see, it used to be LPCA, LPCA license.


It's confusing for us.


ind can't wrap around it, but:


Oh no.


If I had not gotten my license, I might have been stranded, but then everything that I applied for didn't, I just couldn't get hired until I joined Valley Center for Life Enrichment. It's honestly the only job and I must applied for 50 that I got and I've worked there for the last five years and now I'm transitioning to Thrive Mind Counseling and Wellness in Jacksonville for telehealth. But the pandemic's brought on a lot of different changes and all, but anyhow. So because I got that, lot of clinical mental health counselor I was eligible to become a certified hypnotherapist through the North Carolina Counseling Association. So I've been doing that for three years now and there's several different hypnosis techniques that I do, but I also do the virtual gastric bypass and smoking cessation and trauma focused, hypnosis treatments.


So you have a lot.


Yes. I mean, all this has happened like over five years.


Wow. That's a lot of trainings too.


Yes. Pandemic has slowed me down, but I incorporate Reiki, aromatherapy, crystals, just a little bit of everything. And I do similar type layering, a spirituality with myself and my daily life, but particularly in the weekend, I do some heavy self-care routines to make sure I stay on point with my clients.


Absolutely. That's where it all starts as the foundation. It's that self-care for us.


as a counselor before back in:


Yes, that makes sense. So let's go back to, when did you start using crystals?


Probably when I was in grad school. I was in East Carolina University studying vocational rehabilitation counseling and met people in the Greenville area who were into new age healing crystals, dream work, past life aggressions, Reiki, just anything new and different. I just found that really fascinating, because I've always been a spiritual journey or just always been fascinated by other spiritualties and wanted to create my own special thing, but got really interested in crystals and me and a friend experimented with doing relaxations because at that time I wasn't license, not licensed, but I wasn't trained at it at the time, but it's not that much to it really. So we would relax and we would do different types of healing work.

She showed me a type of energy work called maryelle, which is very similar to Reiki. So really I've been doing a form of Reiki for over 30 years as well. So we would energize ourselves and just basically, if you know anything about Reiki healing, we just would go through, put crystals on the 8th chakra area and down to the feet. It was nothing else. It was soothing, it felt good. We would choose different stones and crystals to do different types of things like you would want amethyst or moon sign, yes, moonstone on your third eye, between the eyes or your crown chakra, which is top of your head. Red for like the plexus area would be like a red Cornelian. A good stone for the back would be just be a solid crystal. So different things like that and using visualization to connect to a grounding, which is usually the best thing is to imagine yourself as a tree and imagine roots coming down from your feet and to the earth, your arms up to the air as branches and the stones just enhance that, I don't know that sense of wellbeing and connection with yourself and with the earth and with spirit.


I love how you use the tree metaphor too, for people to really connect with that.


It's long time been my favorite.


Do you like trees?


Oh, yes. Not real good at it, but I try.


So is there a difference in how you used them in the past compared to how you use them now?


Yes, because I can't exactly explain to my clients why they need to lay down on my Reiki table and let me put stones around. That would kind of seem kind of weird. So what I do now is I do an environmental enhancement with stones. And I have some really large stones in my home and it really feel, I mean, my home really feels very energized because I've got stones throughout the house. Then when I do telehealth, I just feel more energized and connected with my self and with spirit just with the ambiance of aromatherapy and the meditations that I do, the stones I have around the house.

I also order packets of stones from Amazon. You can get pieces of stones that you can give the people. They don't have to believe everything, but it makes them feel special if their therapist gives them a stone. It's a good wish. But my favorite stone to give clients is a Selenite. Selenite is very spiritually empowering and protecting and it's just, I've been using it for about 15 years now, in particular around my house. I put it in the corners of the house, visualize the connecting grid all through the house, of everything, all the power centers of the house, staying clear so that other entities can't enter my space and detract from the energy there.


That sounds great.


But I love how you talk about giving stones to clients as well.


Oh yes.


They must absolutely be so happy to get that, to receive that. I know I would, if I was there.


Oh yes. Selenite and kansai, because they're self empowering you don't have to do anything special. They're like generators all by themselves and they don't run out of energy, particularly Selenite. I don't know, it just makes them feel special and that I would think to give them a gift like that. I tell them what the magical qualities are. I just say, it doesn't matter to me whether you believe it or not. I infuse a stone with Reiki and it's like a connection with me when we're not in session. Everybody I've ever given a stone always tell me they keep it like in their jewelry box, but they always keep it as a special memento of our relationship.


So as a memento, I hadn't thought of it that way. Another way to look at it, huh?




Because I know some people ethically don't like to give gifts to clients, but for you, I guess, can you talk a little bit about that? Is that okay for you I guess, and you feel like there's no ethical boundary you're crossing?


If I were to give a client a pair of gloves or a book or, well, no books don't bother me, but something gift like, because books I give to them because I buy used books so that I can give them away.


That makes sense.


To me, it's just a part of the love I feel. Anybody that I'm trying to work with, it's just a gift that shows that I care. It's not really a gift. It's like a tool for healing. I don't know how to explain it really.


No, I think that's perfect. A tool for healing.


It's a tool for healing.


But I think what you're saying too is purposeful. It's not just like, oh, I'm going to go get you a hundred dollars gift card to target, because I like you as a client.


I absolutely would not do that. But this is not something I would do selectively because I like somebody as a client. I would literally give it to anybody that I felt like was open to it.


So they have to be open to it.


Yes. But some people are not open to it and still just oh, pretty ---


Yes, exactly. They don't have to be to still get the benefits.




Is there other ideas you have about using crystals in therapy?


One thing that I've started playing around with is like, I got this at Crystal Connection in Greenville. It's like a grid on a little, I think it was a piece of Burch and in it is a grid, an energy grid is transcribed. Then I take like small stones, particularly Selenite to like manifest. It's kind of like an affirmation, but it also is like making an affirmation of peace, health, and happiness, more manifested into the physical world. But when I see it, it reminds me of my connection to everyone, because we're all connected. It just reminds me and connects me and I like to feel like when I connect through, connected to other people who are also love soline, but it's a connection, it's a spiritual connection to my affirmations that I use to keep myself grounded.




When I feel grounded, then I do a better job with my clients.


So I guess in therapy, using it as a grounding tool with them.


Yes. I just have to do, I just believe in doing so much healing work on myself so that I have enough to give and that I also work on myself so that I don't allow myself to become a brain drain. Doesn't matter whether or not the stunts really do anything. What matters is the belief that it amplifies and that it strengthens me spiritually and psychologically to do things that I have to do.


Have you ever had a client use a stone in session to just like hold some Selenite when they're talking?


Oh yes, yes. They usually describe it as, I think it's more like a cool energy because Selenite is, Salina was a goddess and one ancient tradition and that's where it gets a name cell, Selenite, and I like connect it to the moon and the unconscious mind.


Oh, I didn't realize that.


The unconscious mind is part of what we're trying to heal because if our clients only work at the conscious level what's going on in their life, then they're never really completely healed. They might heal at a superficial level, but at some level they need to be able to become aware that their unconscious mind is like the puppeteer of a lot of things that go wrong in their conscious life.


So true. So I've heard that you have to clear the energy on crystals at times.


Yes. We do


Can you talk more about that?


Yes, different things, I've tried. If I felt like something was particularly absorbed was around something very bad or difficult, I'd bury them in the earth for a few months. Then there's moon bathing where you put them in a window during a full moon and let the moon charge them up. But you can also do it with sunlight, but sunlight, some stones are artificially colored that in nature, they're not the color of old. If you put them in sunlight and they bleach out, then basically you weren't sold the stone that you thought you were sold. So you have to be careful at what you do with them. Rose courts is particularly abused like that and they fade out and you realize you don't have Rose courts, you have a regular white crystal.

But malachite and turine those, I haven't seen those dye very often. Amethyst is one I see getting dyed, but if you know what you're doing, you can find some that are really good color. They're not dyed, but anyway, to clean them, then you just have to be aware that what you do may fit the color of the stone if it's not what it was God intended it to be. Then there's sometimes I've soaked on like rock salt. I haven't tried heating rock salt, but that would be something good to try. But it's always important to set an intention that you want the stone to rise to its highest purpose and ability. And if you know Reiki or some type of energy technique infuse it with that. But it also infuses an affirmation in your mind where you are grounding yourself and you're calming, it's like meditation. It's relaxing and it just makes me feel better and more in tune with myself. I have to be in tune with myself and grounded in myself to really be empathically attuned with my clients, to be able to help them and guide them.


So true. So what would happen if you didn't clear them? Will they not be as effective or?


Well, all right, so this sounds weird, but it


It's okay. Just share it.


Well, the stone will fall off. I don't know, it just will feel off and I will not use. I'll put it aside until I can do something with it, cleanse it in some way, recharge it with Reiki. Been a Reiki master, which has been about well, eight years now. I usually just charge everything with Reiki instead of doing the other things. But Selenite is really, really good. It's like an energy battery and you can put stones that have been damaged in some way with Selenite and Selenite will help you diffuse anything negative and re-energize them.


That's good to know. I knew there was all different ways, but I appreciate all the effort you shared with that too, on how you clear that. Because I hadn't thought about Reiki. Using Reiki to also charge and cleanse them is a good fact for people to learn.


Yes, and honestly Reiki is becoming, I haven't listened to your podcast about, I don't think you, I can't remember if you've done a ---


Yes, we've done some.


But yes, it's becoming more, what is the word, allowed, accepted to the counseling profession now. Sometimes it, if a client is open, I will do distant Reiki or a telehealth call when it feels right. I'm getting ready to move into a new office. So I'll probably buy some new Selenite to put in the corners of my new office and maybe even some other large stones. I think I got a piece of ammos right now that probably weighs about 25, 30 pounds.


So you're talking really big stones.


Yes, I'm not, I mean, that's why it's in my house, the stones that weigh at least five or 10 pounds. The smaller stones I'll use for smaller areas because I don't want to be offensive to people who are Christians who might be turned off by some of the stuff I do. It doesn't hurt anybody. There are far more people who are open to this type of addition to therapy than you might think.


That's true too.


These clients tend to be very intimidated and even afraid of being honest about who they are with their spirituality. So it's a relief, it's a healing thing to them to have a therapist who's owed to different spiritual beliefs and techniques such as healing with stones and Reiki and aromatherapy. It makes me feel like that I'm being more of a holistic healer and not just a mental health counselor.


True. I can see that. So you mentioned using Selenite, like in your office, because I know I've used some black Tomaline. So is that a good idea for their to have some of that just for clearing negative energy and keeping good energy in their space?


Yes, yes, yes, yes. I do. Not everybody is going to be aware they're bringing in that stuff, but it's sensitive and you're empathetic and empathetic people, it just seems to what we absorb it without, even when we do protection, I imagine like white light surrounding and protect any like a code of honor, armor. I think it's from Ephesians 12 or 13 where it talks about God guarding you in a, I can't remember what it is, but anyway, beside the point. But visualizations help me with feeling like I can protect myself. However, it just adds another layer.

If you have strong stones, I even wear certain ambilance sometimes depending if I'm feeling weaker. I have one a particular stone set that's called Mary Magdalene. I've always felt a connection to Mary Magdalene because after Jesus died she helped draw the community together that followed Him. Not that I have the job Mary Magdalene had, but I do connect with her and I like the stones that are put together. Because I like the idea of drawing people together in the name of spirit. It's like a reminder, a token of a past history of women reaching out into the community to help people heal.


Sounds like a feminine kind of energy and connection in some way. I know you mentioned something about grids and crystal grids and I've heard this before, but I've never quite understood what it was. Can you share what our crystal grids and how can they be helpful?


Do you know anything about sacred geometry?




I've heard of it. That's about it.


I might have a hard time explaining it then.


Okay. Just do your best.


So there are mathematically certain geometric patterns that are more prone to bring in more positive powers of light and healing. And one is the star to David. If you have a star of David, like drone on, I think it doesn't have to be a certain type of wood. You could even do it on a canvas if you're in pain, but draw it out. Use your compass, get your degrees and all correct as to what you want mathematically to this geometric grid to manifest. Then you do your research and you find the right stones to amplify the different points on the star of David. On the inside, there are circles and triangles that you can also enhance with small stones. It doesn't have to be any particular one, but you want particular strong stones on your tips. Does that kind of ---


That gives me some, I'm very visual, so yes, I'm just kind of visualize it in my head. So yes, I hear what you're saying.


Another thing I forgot about is like a pound of small chip stones. Then you get like at least a six inch Selenite to stir the stones and you can like cleanse your hands in the stones, take off, like after, before Reiki or after Reiki to cleanse off anything that you may have energetically stuck to your hands, just as well as wash your hands in water. But I stir them up with Selenite and then I put my hands in there and nothing else. It feels good. It's the thought that counts.


Yes. That's a great strategy.


You're asking that it washes your hands clean. And I've been toying with the idea of bringing that in the office and way I've been thinking about using it with clients is like, if they feel they have something, that they're carrying something in their heart, if they imagine that they can pull it from their heart and then they cleanse their hands and to stones with the Selenite, then that can purge, that image can help them purge what they were carrying.


Oh, that's great. Wow. I can see the imagery of that too, just of the clients cleansing their hands with the stones and cellulite. And that I would think it would be almost intentional practice too.


Yes, it's an intentional practice. You visualize, you focus, you imagine, you visualize yourself being rid of that, of what you do not want to carry any longer in your heart or your hands.


Which sounds like affirmation too, doesn't it?


Yes, it is all a method of affirmation. It's just that I used to keep everything in my head, but I found through working with stones that stones help me feel like I've manifested energy on earth. It makes me, it feels, it helps me feel more secure. It helps remind me that I'm grounded. It's just really a healing and supportive practicing.


Sounds like it. So what would you say to a listener who has never bought a crystal, doesn't know much about it and is listening now and they just want to get started? What would be a first step?


Of course, crystal's usually pretty good. What I like to do with crystal, if you're a beginner, is hold it up to the light and see if you can find a rainbow in it.


Oh, that's fun.


Yes. Then after that, it's just no going back, because then you start noticing, and some of the crystals, there are little pyramids and different shapes. Those with the pyramids and the rainbows are highly desirable. They just make you happy. When you put them up to the light, you don't have to believe they've got any mysterious, magical powers, just for the joy of a sparkling stone to see what it looks like. It's something that's not too expensive. It's not like you have to spend thousands of dollars to get a diamond. Now there is something called a Herper diamond, which is another really strong, powerful stone. But then let me get off on just talking about it.


You know a lot about a lot of different ones.


Oh yes. Well, I studied stones in about 30 years.


Yes, that's amazing.


Another one that's usually good is amethyst and Rose courts. Those are three, probably the beginner stones, but my preference is Selenite and amethyst at this point in my life. Rose court just feels too gentle and weak, and I need heavy guns for that, where I'm going on this journey.


And the 25 pounds too.


Yes, that's right.


That's amazing. So I know you mentioned, when you sent me an email that you have an affirmation that helps you, so could you share that affirmation today?


Yes. I took this meditation class with a friend who is a Buddhist. She's just a really remarkable person, but she called a six month class in meditation techniques and taught each class on meditation techniques. One woman used affirmations, but she was also still comfortable with Christianity and included it into her meditation practice. It goes, be still and know that I am God. So you start, be still and know that I am God, be still and know that I am, be still and know, be still, be. That's it. You can do, it's easy to do like a circular meditation and I just find it very soothing and very, I find very calming and connecting to God or spirit and what I can see that God to be.


That seems simple, but so powerful.


Yes. It's very grounding. Be still and know that I am God, be still and know that I am, be still and know, be still, be.


Just be. We don't have enough of being in this world, do we?


No, we don't. We don't have. Stillness is such an important part of a meditation practice and our minds are way too busy. So probably the most important part in my spiritual practice is stillness and quiet. I get a lot out of Eckhart Tolle. He wrote a book some years ago called Stillness Speaks. And it does. A lot of people are very afraid to allow their mind to be quiet and let God or spirit or whoever as God to come through you. It doesn't have to be words, but it can be a feeling. I don't know, I just put all those things together and it helps me feel complete and happy and grounded.


Nice. Connected, it sounds like too.


Yes. I can't be just in my head to feel connected to my spirituality. I have to be able to touch, taste, smell, hear. Sound with at different, Herz is as good, because of one of your other podcast, the singing bowls, that's become my new favorite and I am saving to get my own crystal hill and bowls. There were crystal in there.


Imagine that


Because I've just, the thought of making sound with crystals is just really, oh, I just love the idea.


Nice, nice. So what's the best way for listeners to find you and learn more about you?


I'm on Facebook, but I'm old fashioned. You got to realize in six months I'm going to be 60. I'm not in Instagram, Snapchat or any others. I mean, I am on Facebook and you can find me on the Thrive Mind Counseling and Wellness website. You'll find my bio there. You'll find a list of all the things that I do that are not overtly spiritual, but everything that I do has a spiritual background. And at least until the end of this year, Valley Center for Life Enrichment in Halifax County and through Thrive On is in Jacksonville, North Carolina. I'll do probably mainly telehealth then, but I'll also be doing some hypnosis face to face with clients in Jacksonville around once a month.


Very good. Well, thank you so much for sharing all this great information on crystals, Teresa.


You're welcome.


I'm so happy you could come in today. And I want to send a big thank you to my listeners for tuning in and continuing to support the podcast. If you haven't yet rated and reviewed the podcast, please make it a part of your day today so we can keep this podcast going.

This is Chris McDonald, sending each one of you much light and love. Until next time, take care.

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