How does your perception shape the way you view the world? Is it possible to transform your negative thought patterns? What can you do to intentionally improve your life from your thoughts to your reality?
Cassidy Rey is a Psychic/Medium Spiritual Healer who provides clients with messages from their Spirit Guides and Angels, and the mastermind behind Let’s Get Friggin’ Weird. Cassidy did her undergraduate in Psychology and began a master’s program at the University of San Diego to be a Clinical Mental Health Counselor. However, as she progressed in her master’s program, she couldn’t see herself conforming to the “counselor” life. With that feeling, she took a leap of faith and dropped out of school to start pursuing a different dream; becoming a Holistic Life Coach: Psychic/Medium.
Cassidy was around the age of 2 when she first started to feel, see, and talk to spirits. She created her own Psychic/Medium business, ‘Let’s Get Friggin’ Weird’, and took off on a 6-month road trip around the United States to spread her gifts of healing to other people. Her goal is to continue to share her gift with the world and give people the healing messages they need to become their best and highest self.
Visit Cassidy’s website, Let’s Get Friggin’ Weird. Connect with her on Instagram, LinkedIn, and Youtube.
- Perception
- Transforming negative thought patterns
- You need to believe it
Everything in this world is what you perceive it to be and a big thing I like to preach on is that there’s really no right or wrong, or good or bad, in this world. Everything is just what you know and believe to be true. (Cassidy Rey)
The world is what you make it to be. Manifestation and perception go together, and manifestation is not about wishing for love or more money.
On a deeper level, manifestation is about your mindset, how you wake up in the morning and face the day, the way you speak to yourself, and the way to speak out into the world. All of this becomes and influences your reality.
In this way, depending on how you think, speak, and act, you can also manifest negative things into your life if you are not aware of yourself, your emotions, and your thoughts. Manifestation and creating a calm, nourishing life are intentional.
Transforming negative thought patterns
By speaking out negative words, you give them life. If you struggle with finding a partner, and you call yourself “unlovable”, you are giving that reality life.
However, if you focus on loving yourself, you give the presence of love a reality in your life.
If you feel love, you find, see, and interact more with love. If you feel loneliness, and speak it into reality, you find, see, and interact more with the feeling of loneliness.
It always comes down to the thoughts. They’re believing that they’re not enough or they’re believing that they don’t deserve it, or they’ll never get it, so they don’t. (Cassidy Rey)
You need to believe it
Changing your thoughts and limiting beliefs are not going to happen on their own. You must put in some work as well, and believe the thing that you want is possible, and on its way to you.
Creating your thoughts and manifesting is not about writing a list on a piece of paper. It is about you working to change how you think about yourself and the world. You, essentially, are changing the world for yourself. You start the shift.
It sounds so crazy, but it is so simple. I know that can be a tough thing to hear or say, especially in the psychology field with depression and anxiety, it’s not just a switch of a mindset and there are other things that need to go into it, but I think 90% of it is your mindset and believing in yourself. (Cassidy Rey)
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Resources Mentioned And Useful Links:
Visit Cassidy’s website, Let’s Get Friggin’ Weird
Connect with her on Instagram, LinkedIn, and Youtube
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Welcome to the Holistic Counseling Podcast, where you discover diverse wellness modalities, advice on growing your integrative practice, and grow confidence in being your unique self. I'm your host, Chris McDonald. I'm so glad you're here for the journey.
Welcome to today's episode of the Holistic Counseling Podcast. This is Chris McDonald. I'm your host and expert in all things related to holistic counseling. If you're a new listener today, I want to say welcome. As a listener, you have access to my free nine-part email course, Becoming a Holistic Counselor. In this course, you'll explore different holistic strategies, how to develop your skills as a holistic counselor and how to attract your ideal holistic clients. Go to, scroll down, enter your name and email address today.
I am so excited to introduce you to today's guest. Her name is Cassidy Rey, and she's here to discuss how thoughts become your reality. She's a psychic medium spiritual healer who provides clients with messages from their spirit guides and angels to become their best and highest self. Welcome to the podcast Cassidy.
Hi, how's it going?
Good. So, can you share a little more about yourself and your work?
Yes, so my work, so since I've been pretty young around, I mean, even the age of one, my parents started to notice, I was able to connect with loved ones who passed away like their parents, their grandparents and as I got older, I just really got into psychology and realized I was very intuitive as well. So I kind of found myself in the past year using those gifts to help other people in a sense. I did my master's in clinical mental health counseling and got through about a year and a half before I was like, ooh, there's too many rules here. There's too many rules and you can tell from my social media, I'm very much a free spirit and a Virgo. So I don't like being told to do. So I decided to drop out and start my own sort of like counseling, where I can use my intuitive abilities and then also work with major grief and trauma in a different way than that classic counseling or therapy.
So you bring such a unique perspective than to have the counseling training, but then I'm sure you can use some of that with what you do.
Oh, definitely. I mean, I think psychology is basically, it's psychic intuitive work. It's pretty much the same thing. It's study of human behavior and understanding and feeling emotions. So it all intertwines.
But of course we're more structured with licensure rules, things we can't do ---
I was like, I can't curse at my clients and yell at them when they're effing up.
So you're a straight shooter I could tell.
Oh yes.
So talk about being your authentic self. You are totally that.
A big part of me starting this career of mine was just from me dropping in my intuition and listening to my spirit guts, just getting the messages that like, this is not going to look like anything that you know. I'm not going to be the girl in the corner, meditating, all hippy vibe. Like, yes, I do those things, but a lot of what I'm here to do, and my purpose is to normalize the shit of this work normalize it because it's just, everyone has intuition and everyone has these abilities and I just want people to drop into their own power. So I figure the best way to do that is to be my normal raunchy, authentic self.
Of course. And that's great that you're on this podcast, because there is some stigma with counselors using intuitive measures or other holistic strategies. Some are afraid to so I'm glad that you're willing to normalize that this is all okay to do this and really can help clients.
I think in a sense it's super taboo still, but it's becoming more accepted. So someone like myself who, I mean, I'm not normal, but so someone who's a little more "normal" and then is dropping into this time of work. People are like, wait, you do this? I'm like, yes, I know it doesn't seem like I do, but I do. So you hit them with the curve ball
Yes. But it sounds like you've really found a way to connect with who you are and deliver that message and your purpose.
Yes. I had a lot of connections all over the world and it's just easy to connect with people. So this work has just come so naturally to me.
So let's talk about your website. I laugh because it's called Let's Get Friggin' Weird, which totally threw me off. I was like what is this? Then I looked at your services and it just cracked me up that what the heel is up? Totally loved it. Oh my God. How did you come up with the names for your website and the name of your services?
It's honestly how I speak day to day. Like I'll is it really? It's just how I talk. Like I'll just have one reading and that's like, what the heck is up? So that's just how I talk. That's how I approach my friendships, my family relationships, everything. So I'm like, I can't change this for my clients. Plus I think that's a little bit of what people love about coming to me is like, I'll give it to you straight. But I'll also like have some good calming guidance. It's not all aggressive.
That's good. You have balance.
I was just sitting with a friend and I was like, "Hey, I think I need a website. This is getting big." She was like, "Well, what do you want to name it?" That's the first thing, I was like, Let's Get Friggin' Weird. It was game over. I didn't question it. No other options came in. I was like, it's just, Let's Get Friggin' Weird. Let's do it.
That really stands out too.
And people don't really expect that to be like a psychic medium service when they get my business card.
It's not. You're expecting like moons and darkness and shadows and ---
Not me.
No. Because I imagine if you tried to edit yourself and to try to water it down, it wouldn't come across the same way.
Yes. And I think this way I attract the audience and the clients that really are looking for my type of guidance instead of trying to adjust to a different clientele that doesn't necessarily fit me.
Yes, true. So I know you wanted to talk about how thoughts become your reality. Where do you want to start with that?
Basically, the word perception comes to mind first. I even have it tattooed on my arm here, but everything in this world is what you perceive it to be. A big thing I like to preach on is that there's really no right or wrong or good or bad in this world. Everything is just what you know and believe to be true. With manifestation, I know it's kind of a trendy little term right now, but I think it goes deeper than just like wishing for some love life and money. It's your mindset. It's how you wake up in the morning. It's the words you tell yourself in your head and the words you speak out loud as well.
Yes, and tat becomes your reality.
I have a funny little story about, because I didn't know I was so intuitive and so in tune with this my whole life, I've just been very like, why do I feel this way? This is how I feel. I physically feel emotions or pains. And one way I accidentally manifested like a bad thing into my life growing up was yes, it's not all good. I used to love, so I'm very injury prone. I was an athlete so I just always was going crazy. I love the feeling of when you break an arm or leg and you get a warm cast put on your arm. I loved it. I hated the breaking part, but I loved the warm cast. I swear when I was a kid, I was like age six to like 12 and I was just like, I just love warm cast. Like I just want to have a warm cast put on me and without even trying, I would end up with a broken bone, like every other month.
Oh my God.
So I manifested this injury into my life because I wanted to feel warm cast.
Be careful what you wish for.
Exactly. That was just my younger idiot itself. But what we can get from that is that there's the good part that you can manifest. If you're able to do and think negative thoughts, then you're able to think these positive thoughts that manifest good into your life.
True. I think people aren't aware that you can manifest the negative too, and it's not just manifesting money and love.
They find that to be, I find a lot of my clients tend to struggle with like thinking it's bad luck or there's something wrong with me, but it's truly, it's thought pattern. It really is. If you just switch even a daily routine of waking up and, I know it's so basic, but just gratitude journaling for like 10 minutes of what you're grateful for that present moment it changes everything. Not overnight, but it does.
Yes, overall it's putting it out into the universe, isn't?
That's all it really is.
Can you give an example of what would be some negative thoughts and how could somebody transform those?
Yes. I guess someone struggling in, let's say the romantic category of life and they're thinking, I'm unlovable I have these traumas for my past or I always seem to lose people quickly or I'll never be able to find someone that loves me. It's when you say those words, like I'll never be able to, this is what's wrong. Then you're giving that energy life, is the best way to put it rather than being like, I am completely lovable. I am a badass. I deserve to be loved in every way I deserve. And I manifest that type of person you want. Obviously, we don't get what we wish for down to the T, but the big morals, the big value is that you need relationships and standards like that. I help a lot of clients with their loved lives and tends to be the most popular topic. But it always comes down to the thoughts. They're believing that they're not enough or they're believing they don't deserve it or they'll get it. So they don't.
So the underlying beliefs, isn't it?
Yes, I just think with a lot of, it goes back to career too and not just love career, I mean friendships, everything in your life and half the time, it's just people thinking they don't deserve it or thinking something's wrong with them when truly it's, if we have the power to manifest bad things into our life, we have the power to manifest good things into our life. And that's just plain and simple. That goes even as far as physically healing our bodies.
I've heard clients say things like, oh, as an adult, making friends is hard. So if you're throwing that out there, if that's your belief, then it's going to be hard, self fulfilling.
It's self-limiting beliefs that you can't make friends. But if you go into a new town, I mean, we were just talking about this. I travel to a new state pretty much every month just to look around, meet new people, get some new business. The biggest thing I know about in the beginning when I started traveling alone, I was in a relationship. So I wasn't being as social. I wasn't going out. I wasn't as much. Then I noticed as I got out of that relationship now that I travel more, my intentions are like, I want to meet people. I want to connect with friends and I didn't have that in the beginning.
So I was like manifesting no relationships into my life, like friendship wise. And now that I stepped out of that and into this new, and this is recent and incredible people I'm actually staying in a little town longer than expected because I put some roots down here and I met like five, six amazing people in one town because my intention was, I need to make friends and connections when I travel. So I just kind of switched my mindset and it's made all the difference.
You mentioned and so is putting that energy out there.
And just as simple as manifestations work as like, I'm looking, so for more likeminded people who are spiritual like me, and especially in these small towns, I'm visiting, it's kind of tough to find, but if you put it out there, you speak it, you write it in your journal, like I'm looking for a mentor, I'm looking for a friend, whatever it may be, they'll hear you. Whoever you speak to, God spirit guides, the stars guide, I don't care. Doesn't matter who it is. They hear you.
They'll hear you. I find though that sometimes clients, I work with say but I don't believe it. I can write this down, but I don't believe it. What do you say about that?
Well, then it's not going to happen. You're right. If you don't believe it, if you say, yes, I believe this about me, then it's just going to happen. It sounds so crazy, but it's so simple. I know that can be a tough thing to hear say, especially in the psychology field with depression and anxiety. It's not just a switch of a mindset. And there are a bunch of other things that need to go into it but I think nine 90% of it is your mindset and believing in yourself.
So do you have any success stories from people you've helped?
No. They're all failures.
I knew you were going to say that.
Oh, I'm so nerdy. Oh, why did I even start?
Anybody stand out?
A good one, I love when the people, a lot of people also come to me, absolutely miserable in their careers, which makes me even more grateful that I work for myself and nobody else. But a lot of people really struggle with careers and yes, I had this one client who just so unhappy and just was like, "This isn't my purpose. I don't know why I'm doing this. I don't want to do this." I gave her pretty much a reading every week for two months straight.
Eventually she texted me one day, because she was a musician, but she wasn't working in the music industry. She was thinking about flight attendant and all that and one day she texted me like, "I finally did it. I quit. I'm becoming a full-time musician," and it just lit me up. She's just thriving now. She's got cut her hair, got a whole new hairdo and she's just totally rocking it. I'm like, this is you. This is authentically you now. It's just to take that leap of faith.
Yes, it is. That's got to feel so good for you.
Yes, I mean, I get a story like this every week, I would say with my clients or I really like my mediumship readings because that kind of grief healing is unexplainable, like the happiness that it brings me, being able to give people messages from their loved ones who passed over and to see them heal, see my clients heal throughout the process. I always tell them, keep me updated. We're friends. You can text me. I'm not your therapist. You can text me. You can talk to me. We can hang out.
Isn't that crazy, all our dual relationships we can't do as a therapist?
I know. And I hated that idea.
It's hard.
It's so hard. When I was doing masters, I was like, what if I really connect with a human? They're like, yes, legally, you just can't hang out with them. I'm like, oh my God, I have too many friends.
I can see you're so social. I have some clients, I was like, "Man, they'd be so cool to get a beer with."
I know. But it's like, nope.
I can't.
It's just straight to jail. But I love it. I've met really good groups of women. There's obviously less men who come to me for this type of work. I think it's stigma or taboo. But the men that do come to me, I mean, I've seen, I think I see so much more growth in the men in a quicker amount of time because they don't, like the women tend to focus on themselves a little bit more day to day. The men ignore all the things and when they finally embrace it it's incredible seeing them shift in just becoming a different kind of man and it's just so needed.
So cool. Too bad more don't reach out, huh?
Yes. I also think that's another reason why I like to be so authentically me because I come from like a ton of male friends. I really connect with males because I just love sports and I'm just kind of like tomboy. I have plenty of girlfriends, but males seem to connect with me well. So I just try to encourage them all, like this isn't weird. I'm not going to be all like witchy, woo, woo and weird to you. I'm just going to give it to you like it is. I even have a friend whose dad passed away and he was a little timid for about a year and finally he was, Cassidy, I think I want you to do a reading for me for my dad." It was just amazing what it brought to him and the next day he was like, "I quit my job."
Isn't it great once you work for yourself? I know.
He's like, "Finally."
So have you found a lot of people can heal from their grief when they do use you as a medium?
I think, I believe that whatever stage of grief you're in, whatever medium you choose to go to is going to give you the message that you need to hear for that stage you're in, even if I don't know what stage or how long it's been. So someone could go, this is just an example, one girl had a boyfriend who passed. It was a little more tragic. So she went right away after the death because there was like some question marks around the death. So the first medium, like help them answer these question marks, was it homicide? Was it suicide? Those types of things. Then she came to me a couple months later and then his messages for her were a lot around like, and I didn't know any of this, like if it was suicide obviously.
A lot of the messages he gave her was just like, I need you to stop focusing on the details of my death. So it was more surrounded, like it's time for you to start healing. Like it doesn't matter what happened, because I'm not going to come back. So let's focus on what we can now. So a lot of my messages actually tend to be around how they can start healing and living their best life on earth while they're still alive. Just because you lost someone doesn't mean you have to stop living.
They don't want that for you.
Yes. And I do a lot of readings for clients who pass from suicide and I've become really passionate about suicide prevention as well. But those clients, they really, oh, they've just surprised me how well they're healing from it. To see a lot of the messages the spirit gives me is like, I want you to see the light in my life and not like, I don't want to be remembered for just killing myself. I want to be the legacy of love and light. So it really ---
That make sense because I'm wondering too, with clients that have that complicated grief where they have multiple losses, if that might be something that could really help them. Because I think I've found a lot of clients have trouble finding meaning and purpose with that. They struggle with so many of those deep questions.
I have couple clients who've come to me who've lost a child and I don't think there's anything harder, anything to go through. But even reading purposes for me in my business, there's nothing harder than doing a reading for a parent who loses a child. But it's really beautiful when kid comes through because it's just like this energetic love. You can't even explain a parental bond. It's a feeling. It's just like so close of love that it's like it's unbreakable, no matter if they're alive, if they're present. A hundred percent, and I think just giving the parents the messages that they need to hear there's nothing like it in the world.
That's got to be so fulfilling.
Yes, it really is.
So I was looking at your TikTok, very entertaining.
I forget I have everything public. So take me there.
I know. So just going back to manifesting, because I was really curious about, you were using two cups of water to manifest having one that was, I think your reality and one glass of water for what you want. Can you share more about what that is and how do you do that?
Yes, so you get two cups of water. They don't have to be like full glasses. It doesn't really matter how much is in them. But water is just very spiritual and energetic and we can transfer water and energy. Like it's nothing. So use two glasses of water and then you'll write a little note of what you have in your present moment. This could be around your love life, your financial situation, just anything going on in your life, like what is presently happening right now? Then your cup on the right will be what I want or what I'm like aspiring to have. So it could be something as small as currently I am single. In the future I want a happy relationship or whatever, if you want to go like that route. Then you focus on the one cup of what you have in reality and you just kind of meditate and sit on it and really be present with those thoughts because that is your reality.
If you are not happy with your present reality, you'll never be happy ever. You'll never change your reality, I believe because your thoughts are not manifesting into good things. So you drink that cup of water and then you go over to the other cup and then you meditate and sit with that message. I always tell my clients, when you're manifesting things for your future, or if you want money, whatever it may be, you need to have good and pure intentions. So write out what you want to do with your money. That would be good. Who do you want to help? What charity could you donate to? What water population could this be helpful for? Sit with that and then drink that cup of water and the then kind of just take the time you need to unwind. But just water energy is really, really powerful.
I've never heard of that.
It's one of many, many ways, but I'm a big fan of manifesting.
Because I've heard about writing it down and putting in present tense and acting like you already have it, connecting with the feeling of having it.
There's so many different ones, whatever works for you. But I do the physical act of drinking the water. So it's more, it tricks your mind. That's where the psychology of it comes in, drinking or you can do like intuitive showering as well. I love to work with water. So I tell my clients if they're unfunk, especially if they're anxious or have self-doubt, imagine you putting on the shampoo and what are you adding on? Oh, I'm adding self love. I'm adding gratitude. Then when you're washing it out, what are you letting go of? So being intentional about your showers helps you stay present and over time, I mean, if you do this every day, things change.
That's an easy one that people could do.
Exactly. Take a shower people.
Hopefully everybody takes a shower. Maybe not every day. So do you do some tarot card readings as well?
I think pretty sure most people in this work, like at least use as tarot tools. I like to use tarot. I am doing more like live channeling as of recently. Then I'm kind of experimenting with Reiki and more physical hands-on type of work as well. But yes, I love tarot. I'm a big fan of that. I love pulling cards for my friends and just giving them some little insight.
Do you have cards with you right now?
Oh yes.
Would you want to pull one?
Right now?
Yes, let's see if we can share one, if there's any message you have for my listeners.
I'll do a little channel message. I did do one earlier on my Instagram actually sometimes.
Let's see.
I always find it fascinating, what can come out.
Okay, let's see. We'll do this one. All right, we'll just do like a channel message for the audience that's listening presently. All right, what the f*** is up? We just have that kind of relationship. We can just do that.
She's just keeping it real.
I keeping it real. Okay, so this card that I got is called, it's from my Oracle deck. So this is going to be a little more spiritual and kinder than the tarot deck. The tarot deck gives it to you real. So this is cracked open. So the message here is to not let the density of the weight and the weight of the world kind of like squash your tender spirit. Whoever's listening to this needs to hear it. Basically through extreme pressures of life's trials that's when the magic is kind of made. When things are at their darkest, that's when we kind of cultivate this faith and our light is ignited in us and through the crumbling of this, we can allow our wounds to be healed. So what spirit's telling me is to let these losses make you and not break you and be open to the idea of being cracked open.
When you break or hurt these aren't negative things. It's really, sometimes it hurts like hell, but it's honestly nature's way. That is the kind of the message that comes through. If you don't start healing yourself, I will. Like universe, when we think bad things are happening to us, it's actually a shift. The universe is trying to push us out the door, like something needs to change. Something's not working. I'm going to shut it for you before. So you realize it. So whatever you let happen or not, it's going to happen. So you kind of just have to like surrender and let it flow and when your heart cracks open, the space is created for you to enter more into yourself and your authentic self more fully. Yes, just guys are saying like, stay open to the possibilities, your tragedies, your losses or sorrows and your hurt happened for you and not to you and be grateful for the things that broke you down and cracked you open because the world needs you open.
That's beautiful. The world needs you open.
The world needs it.
I'm thinking of how the heaviness that therapists and counselors have with all that we carry and trying to help.
I know. I think, so you would say a lot of, I'm assuming most of your listeners would be probably psychologists, counselors. Yes, I mean, we don't have an easy job.
No, it's hard sometimes, especially with the pandemic too.
I'm going to bunch myself in that category too, just because I did, I studied it and I just understand what you do and I do it on a different level as well, but it's heavy stuff and they always say, therapists need therapists, psychics need psychics. You can't just solve your own shit. People always think, since I do this as my job, like, oh, you're a psychic? So you know everything about your own life? I'm like, oh, if it was only that simple.
You got it all together.
Yes. No, my life is perfect and nothing's wrong ever. It's crazy that you guys have problems because I don't.
I know.
But yes, I know that we feel our clients trauma as well sometimes and yes, if we're not protecting our boundaries emotionally, physically, spiritually, it can really take a toll.
So what do you think is helpful for counselors, therapists to do, I guess, especially if they're feeling the weight of the world, feeling the heaviness of clients issues?
Well, for me, I mean, I'm just going to go more like the crystal route. I'm a big fan of crystal. So protection wise, tigers eye and amethyst are really, really good ones to have. I also think black obsidian would be great crystals to have around you. Those just help clear the energies out and protect boundaries. But another main part of it is just like speaking it out into existence or journaling and writing, what are my boundaries? What am I not going to take home from my client today? If we have a client who's dealt with rape or any sort of sexual trauma, like what am I, I need to create a boundary and that, so I'm not taking it home with me. I'm just big on speaking it out. So I speak to my gut. So like I said, whoever you speak to or whatever you believe in, speak to it and just say like, I can't take this on.
So for example, my mediumship work in the beginning up until pretty recently, I asked them to show me their physical pain of how they died. So I could be more accurate because I was self-doubting myself. I'm like, okay, how can I be more accurate? Show me how you died physically. So I had one client who passed from a gunshot wound to the head and when I asked for that physical pain, I was like incapacitated for like five days straight. I could not, because I felt that shot. So I was like, okay, sometimes I can deal with the heart symptoms, sometimes I can deal with the cancer symptoms but when I feel something so intense as a shot, I mean it knocks me out for days. It's just unbearable.
So I sat down with my spirit guide and I said, listen, there's going to be a different way. You're going to show me these, the way that people pass. So it's just, now it's more of a knowing, like if I just connect with someone right away, I'll just kind of hear a thought in my head that sense like cancer or throat or whatever it may be, but really just like physical boundaries and then spiritual, emotional boundaries too.
So important. I would think that wouldn't be healthy for you to take that on.
Oh my God, no, it was killing me, like literally. I even have pictures in the beginning when I first started this stuff, because I only ever did, I only ever connected with my own loved ones up until eight months ago. I didn't know I could do this for other people. I just like, it just came to me one day and whoever I talked to was just like tell the world about it. I was like, okay. Then it took off. So I never connected with other people. So when I did, I started doing these for free. I was just like, okay, who wants a reading? Let's connect to grandma today.
My entire left side of my body started getting scars and rashes all up on it because I receive energies from my left side of my body and kind of released from my right. So my right was completely blank and free and my left was just like acne central and I don't struggle with acne at all. So I was like, oh God, this isn't good. So I had to start creating those boundaries and yes, I mean I think every psychologist, therapist, counselor knows boundaries are massive.
And letting things go at the end of the day too, so you don't take it home.
Yes, that's one thing I love about the work I do. I don't know if it's like a common thing, psychics and mediums. I think it is because I've talked to a few people, but we really like, if you come to me in a week and you're like, oh my God, for my reading, do you remember when you said this and this and this? I won't remember. It's almost like I black out because I don't believe I'm supposed to carry everyone's pain with me when I walk out or when I finish a session. So I have notes I'll go back to and be like, okay, now I recall, but I won't just remember every single session because that would be very intense for a human to carry.
Of course, yes. And leaving that, letting it go, I think is so important. Like you said, to make that intention with even journaling.
A hundred percent. I mean it's all intention.
So I know you mentioned that a holistic strategy uses higher self-journaling. Can you share what that is?
Okay. So yes, obviously I'm a big journal fan. I will always like to journal. It actually helps to put the pen on the paper. So higher self-journaling, there's a ton of different journaling methods I have. You can literally journal your doctor guide, which is just like tuning into your body's physical and mental health and telling yourself what you need, but higher yourself-journaling, this is different from regular journaling because you're channeling yourself through a different level of consciousness. So it's you, but it's you at like a soul level. What I do is I take like three deep breaths in and then kind of come with the intention of like I'm calling in my higher self. Sometimes I'll sit down just because this is the relationship I have with myself. I'll be like, yo human self, get out, higher self, come through. Let's talk.
So I sit down and I start journaling and you'll kind of start to see, like, you don't have to think of a topic. You kind of just, first thing that comes to your mind, it could be so random, just start writing and go with it. Sometimes you'll feel yourself even physically like entering your own self, if that makes sense. Like I'll get like a little pattern in my chest or something like that and just begin writing and just write and write and write until you feel like there's no more words to write. You'll notice as you begin to write your language may change, your handwriting might change and you'll basically be channeling messages from yourself to yourself, but it's more like prophetic and different than how you would speak day to day.
That's how you note you're higher yourself because she's just sheer here, is just like woke. So after you feel like you've gotten these messages, sometimes they'll leave without you saying anything or sometimes you'll just ask them, okay, three deep breaths and then ask them to detach from you. But usually I get like a little pattern or a skip in my chest or heart or whatever and then it feels like they just kind of like, they disappear. So that is higher self-journaling and it is rad. I love it. That's so
That's so cool.
It's really, really cool.
I'm wondering, is that good, like if you have a decision you're trying to make or a problem you're trying to solve?
Yes. I mean I would recommend doing this once a week for everybody, even once a day if you want, but definitely, if you feel like you're in a stuck place or you need a solution, even if, yes, if it's about a specific event and you need to come up with a solution or make a choice, you can do that. If it's just kind of, hey, I'm struggling for about a year now, off and on, like what needs to change? What do I need to do? You can go in with prompts, you can ask yourself questions, but you really, if you believe you're going to be able to connect to yourself, you will. You'll notice it's just like this more, it's just this higher consciousness of yourself.
Yes. Because I've heard about higher self, but I never thought there'd be a way to connect with that.
I think in psychology terms like ID ego, super ego. It's kind of like that. I need a brush up, but I think it's like the, which one's the unconscious? The ID? Is it ID, so basically you're connecting to your ID. It's calling your ID.
Got you. Well, that's a great strategy for listeners to try and practice.
There's a ton of stuff on my Instagram too.
Oh, that's perfect. We're going to put all your info in the show notes. So what is the best way for listeners to find you?
I would say Instagram. I do like 90% of my marketing and everything on Instagram and I do like fun, little cheap deals, like couple weeks and giveaways. But yes, for now it's mainly Instagram and TikTok's. Let's Get Friggin' Weird.
Awesome. Well, thank you so much for coming on the podcast, Cassidy.
Thank you for having me. I'm glad that we got to connect.
This has been a lot of fun and I do feel like you're somebody that you could just hang out and have a good time.
We can get a drink, whatever you want. I'm pretty normal. I'm normally weird, I don't know.
We can get free and weird.
Free and weird. Love it.
All right. Well thank you to my listeners for tuning into today's episode. I'm so happy you're here and I'm glad it can help you on your holistic journey. Don't forget to subscribe, rate and review wherever you get your podcast. This is Chris McDonald sending each one of you much light and love. Until next time, take care.
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